Welcome back, dearest elven speaking audience! Last time our good prince Tarion decided to head for the Forest of Terror, in search for the back part of the Sacred Lance. Now it is time to depart and the three brothers approach their mounts: three powerful WarBeasts that will become their precious partners in the future adventures. As always we'd like to thank Kiley Johnson for her invaluable help! To thank her properly the Bard decided that her vote will count twice! Let's proceed with the story, then!
From the Bard's Stories:

"I refuse to mount
that thing" says Tarion, categorical.
"What's the problem
with WAR BUTTERFLIES, prince Tarion?" asks the Beastmaster, not
being able to understand the twisted mind of a dark elf " They
are reliable and powerful in battle.
"They are pink and
purple, for the Goddess' sake. Can you explain me why my brothers
have manly and superb giant eagles while I'm expected to be content
with that Barbie Princess accessory? I want an eagle, too."
"I'm afraid it's
impossible, my prince."
"And why is that, if
I may ask? Because shiny and glossy colors suits well on black skin?
How am I supposed to infuse terror into the enemy's hearts riding
that thing? If I'm expected to kill them with laughter, then all this
foolish 'sacred weapon quest' becomes pointless."
"To be precise, my
lord, this poor beast is the only one that accepted to be the War
Beast of a Dark Elf, with all respect."
"Wh... what? Come
on, what's the problem with you, guys? Even animals here are racists
to dark elves?"
"The giant eagles
are a choosy race, you know. If you are not the type who helps older
women to cross the street they simply refuse to serve you."
"To hell with the
eagles, then" groans the prince "I will take a common
horse, instead."
"Don't be a fool,
son" says King Caelidon, approaching, "riding a horse will
take you an absurd amount of time to reach the Forest of Terror. We
don't have so much time to rebuild the Sacred Lance. Well,
technically we HAVE it, but the humans haven't, so ignore your pride
and take that butterfly. If you head south and follow the river
nobody will see you acting like a pink magic fairy."
"And then they ask
me why dark elves are evil..." sighs Tarion.
"Don't be so sad,
brother" laugh the other two " the butterfly is a symbol of
kindness, if the decision was up to us you would now ride a giant
snake, or a leech."
"Shut up, you
worthless bastards. All right, father, I will use this... this...
repeat the Beastmaster "it's the name of the butterfly."
" You mean that
colorful happy thing's name is Nightstalker? It has not le
phisique du rôle, if you ask me, but... well... at least the
name is quite suitable for a warrior like me." he approaches the
beast and looks in its eyes "Listen well, my little pony. I will
lead you to victory and to eternal glory. Nature was cruel with you,
so you can't possibly look cool, doesn't matter how hard you try. At
least you'll have to act that way, you understand? Otherwise if
someone I know cross our road I will pretend not to know you at all.
I still have a reputation, despite being a Dark Elf."
The butterfly stares back
at him, blankly.
"Good. I sense a
strong intelligence behind those empty eyes. You and I will make a
good team, I'm sure of it. Just shut up, keep a low profile and
everything will be fine." he grabs the reins and jumps lightly
on Nightstalker's back.
"Ride with the
winds, my sons" shouts the King, like kings always do in Power
Metal ballads, "Make your father and your people proud.”
"Mmpf. You're proud
enough just as you are, if you ask me." sighs Tarion "Oh
well, to the Forest of Terror, then!
And so they take their
leave. Tarion and Nightstalker take off towards the mysterious
forest; Sardan and his eagle, Zai, leave for Mount Titan and Kahel
depart to the desert on the mighty back of Tursa.
"I still think it
wasn't a wise choice to send all your sons alone to a dangerous quest
like that, my Lord" says Kentaurion "I don't mean to be
disrespectful, but... what if they die?”
"They won't die, my
friend. " says the king "The series has just started,
making the heroes die in the beginning would be pointless, don't you
The General bows
slightly. "As usual your wisdom surpasses my ability to
comprehend, but I will trust you as always.”
"Thank you,
Kentaurion. The future of all inferior races AND ours is at stake. We
must prevent the dwarf bankers from transforming our world in a
desert filled with non-existent money and greedy multinational
The General bows again
and tries to dissimulate his worries. Elves and Dwarves have always
been antithetical: sensitive and intellectual the first, ruthless and
practical the second. Dwarves have just one thought in their minds:
to use money to make more money and then use it to make even more
money and so on. Of course Dwarven cities are comfortable, but around
them everything lies in ruin. They start wars just to lift the
quotations of ore mines, destroy forests to make the wood they have
previously accumulated priceless. They don't think to the future
because they are mortals, like the other races. Elves live forever,
so they are forced to witness the destruction of mindless
intervention on the environment. The illusion of easy money made the
younger races contract debts and become weak. And the dwarves exploit
that weakness to make the only one thing they are interested in:
Kentaurion raise his eyes
to the sky and stares at the three little spots proceeding fast in
different directions to meet their destiny. One of them moves in
every direction, actually, slower than the other two.
“Of course it does”
says Kentaurion to himself, smiling “butterflies fly that way,
after all...”
Tarion stops Nightstalker
in the middle of a desert plain. He needs to vomit. Again. Third
round in barely an hour.
"Dammit, you stupid
butterfly" he groans "Can't you just fly straight, like
eagles do? What's the point in moving up and down, left and right
that way? Ugh, my stomach is completely upside down.”
Nightstalker stares back
at him. Blankly.
"You don't
understand anything I'm saying, do you?”
"Just say anything
smart and I will gladly answer you, master." a deep, masculine
voice resound all around. Tarion jumps on his feet and looks behind
Nobody's there.
"I'm here.”
Tarion draws his sword
and looks around him, but in all directions there are just flat hills
and green grass meadows, as far as the eyes can see.
"Who are you?"
he shouts "Show yourself!”
"I'm not going
anywhere, so take your time to get your useless synapses to work and
figure out what exactly is going on." says the voice "Meanwhile,
if you don't mind, I will spend my time ignoring you and looking at
this beautiful landscape.”
Tarion spread his eyes
wide and looks at the War Butterfly in awe, but the beast doesn't
move and continue to stare blankly at him. When it comes to insects
it's indeed quite difficult to understand if they are watching you or
not. But if you could know them a little better you would know that
they are ALWAYS looking at you. Waiting for you to lower your guard.
"Was that
possibly... sarcasm?" murmurs the Dark Elf, shocked "An
intelligent mind cruelly locked in that ridiculous body?”
"From my point of
view the one locked into a ridiculous body is you. And I'm not even
sure you have any intelligence at all, but... congratulations for
understanding the situation. Can we go on, now?" asks
Nightstalker, without moving.
Tarion can't believe that
a common War Butterfly could talk like that. Eagles talk all the time
(without thinking first, to be true) but they are the only animal
race able to speak a complex language. To talk to any other animal a
Beastmaster is always required, although all the War Beast are
trained to understand simple commands in battle. Talking like a
snotty aristocrat is absolutely nonsense for an insect. Even a giant
The Butterfly sighs. "Of
course not. Please don't mind me, master. Take your time to be
shocked and stare at me like an idiot. Your brothers will reach the
other parts of the lance before us and you will be blamed by the
entire Court for being the moron you actually are.
"Hey!" shout
the elf "Mind your tongue... ehm... if you have one.”
"I have a tongue,
actually. 35 metres long. But I don't think this scientific stuff
could interest your underdeveloped brain, anyway.“
Tarion lowers his weapon
and sighs. "Mpf. My usual luck. The only talking butterfly in
the world and when it speaks it's just to insult me. Can you simply
pretend you are a normal butterfly and shut up, please?”
"I AM a normal
butterfly, sub"normal elf.”
"Normal butterflies
don't talk and are smaller than a horse, for what I know.”
"Then you know very
little of the world, master. I hope this quest will widen your narrow
perspective. Now, if you don't mind to move your noble ass. I don't
live for just a season like my smaller cousins, but still I hate
being here losing time when I could be somewhere else looking for
Tarion looks at it
suspiciously. "looking for my...?”
"Ehm... looking for
the Lance, of course. What else?”
"Mmm. Yeah. Good
question. What else?" repeats the elf, scratching his chin.
Tarion grabs the reins
and the two companions take off again towards the Forest of Terror.
That's a remote place, inhabited by monsters and uncivilized
creatures. Humans there are too rare even to end up in the local
menus. Elves are surely present, but they are like cousins that
nobody wants to meet during festivities. No High Elf has seen them in
a couple of millennia, but they are still there for sure. Their
Sigmatron is still active, so they must be there, somewhere, hiding.
Nobody knows if they are still elves, though. Centuries of isolation
rarely produce positive changes.
"By the Goddess, why
in hell can't you fly straight?" shout Tarion, sticking to the
saddle to avoid falling down.
"I told you I'm a
butterfly, didn't I? Butterflies fly this way, so stop complaining
and relax.”
"Relax? Relax!
Like I could, stupid psycho!”
Suddenly Tarion's eyes
catch a movement on the plains below, eastwards. It's difficult to
focus when your stomach jumps up and down, but our hero is still an
elf, after all. He clearly spots six horrid beastmen pursuing a
beautiful white wolf. The wolf fur is stained in blood and the
pursuers are quickly getting closer like a howling hurricane of claws
and fangs.
"Hey, Butty!”
"My name's
Nightstalker, Tarry. Try not to forget it.”
"Yeah, yeah,
whatever. Listen to me, now!”
What will our
irritating prince do in this situation?
1. Do nothing at all.
They can't endanger the mission just to save a wolf, although a
beautiful one. If Tarion dies here those brothers of his will have
the proof he was an unworthy elf. Towards the forest, then!
2. One against many?
The story of Tarion's life! He asks Nightstalker to land. Better to
confront them in a ground battle, without having to deal with that
overgrown egomaniac Warbeast.
Oooow, come on! How can you abandon a a beautiful creature like this one to its brutal destiny?
If you are looking for the previous episode, just click HERE
If you are looking for the previous episode, just click HERE
I'd like to watch Butty and Tarry unleashing a fuckin' epic rain of death and hubris! Hell yes!
RispondiEliminaYou know my vote :)
RispondiEliminaAnd, as always, thank you for recognition!